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Creating a release

  1. Firstly go to GitHub and navigate to the main page of your repository.

  2. To the right of list of files, click create a new Release


  1. After clicking it will redirect you to a new screen.


  1. Choose a Existing tag if you have one or create new tag.


  1. Enter the Release title Img4

  2. Enter the release description for to justify what the release is all about.


  1. Make sure to check that whether this is a pre-release or not


  1. Attach any of the binaries which you want to

  2. Click on the Publish Release and you're good to go

  3. You can see your release now,


  1. Navigate to your main repository and you can see your release on the left side panel


🥳 You created and published the release successfully!

Why create releases?

  • Releases are deployable software iterations you can package and make available for a wider audience to download and use.

  • Releases are based on Git tags, which mark a specific point in your repository's history.

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